Monday, September 30, 2019

A report on Arranged Marriages Essay

Arranged marriages are marriages that are arranged by someone other than the couple themselves, usually by the parents or family. Arranged marriages are experienced all over the globe, some countries include Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Canada and India. These types of marriages have numerous positive and negative points. In a great part of Asia, marriages are still arranged by parents and family. Arrangements are frequently made simply on rational grounds. In countries such as different as Jordan and Cambodia, daughters are usually married to distant family. Arranged Marriages are very controversial. Many people argue that choosing your life partner is a fundamental right, and others seem to say that mommy and daddy know best. The truth is that arranged marriages are completely legal and practiced in many cultures. In the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, everyone has fundamental freedoms. These freedoms are the basic rights that Canadians have. They state that everyone has fundamental freedoms; freedom of conscience and religion; of thought, belief, opinion, and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; freedom of peaceful assembly; and freedom of association. The fact of the matter is, arranged marriages are a cultural thing, and the law is very hesitant to get involved. Most commonly today, children can choose if they want to get an arranged marriage. If the child is lucky, the final vote will be theirs. The idea of arranged marriages is very difficult for our western countries to comprehend. In the western countries, the idea of marrying a stranger seems unnatural and odd. Most North Americans can’t seem to recognize the idea of marrying an outsider. Although, this practice is generally the way things are done in Indian and Muslim countries, they will most likely continue to seem strange to North Americans. In Western countries, we lean on focusing our attention on more material issues such as sex, love, and beauty, which are the center of our relationships. People get married for such reasons, and then as a result, get bored of one another quite easily. In Eastern countries, they tend to look for more practicality in their mates. They look for aspects such as integrity, diligence, ambition, humility and generosity. Arranged marriages can be successful, but either the man or woman may be displeased with the spouse that has been chosen for him/her. Sometimes, the man and woman get along, but at times there can be a lot of conflicting differences. In the case of any marriage, certain qualities are required in order to sustain a healthy relationship. Patience, love, understanding, trust and kindness are a few of many helpful attributes that would help create a long lasting marriage. No matter what your reasons for marrying someone, you can make it a successful relationship by simply being courteous and respectful. In some cases, arranged marriages can improve the social standing of a family. In other cases, women get the chance to get employment, but women are usually stay-at-home mothers. There are certain rules that apply to arranged marriages. For one, you have to be the same nationality, so an East Indian would be pressured to marry one of his kind. In the Sikh culture and religion, the son or daughter have to marry the same caste, which means that the lower class would marry a low class person, and a high class would marry a high-class person. In India, if you try to get a divorce your way out of an arranged marriage, your parents will disown you. In Pakistan, 90 percent of marriages are arranged, compared to Japan, where only 25-30 percent of all marriages are arranged. Some Indian women have overdosed on drugs, in order to escape the harsh reality of their unwanted marriage. Statistics provide evidence that arranged marriages are no less happy, and  even more stable, than so-called love marriages. Through the ages, mothers have reassured their young daughters by the time they where married off that they don’t have to worry; love will come by itself. In some cases, people have grown to love each other, and other cases were not so fortunate. Marriage can be a big decision in one’s life, whether you are getting married because of an arranged marriage or marrying for love. The basis on which marriage is created depends on an amount of factors, which include cultural, economic, and social aspects. Love, on the other hand, is the only factor needed for a love marriage. Two people might support their marriage on rushed, blinding love and find out that they aren’t in the least bit well matched. As Mamoon states, â€Å"Love, marriage and compatibility are not the same†¦ Two people can be completely compatible yet have no love for each other and vice versa.† Although, love might be a beautiful basis for marriage, it is not necessarily the best way to go when choosing whom you want to live with and how you want to be provided for, for the rest of your life. My personal opinion on marriage in general is that it’s all relative. If you feel comfortable that you can choose a suitable spouse, which you will be with for a lifetime, then that should be your personal choice to make. However, if you feel that your parents could decide better than you could, then there is definitely nothing wrong with getting an arranged marriage. The most important thing is that you’re happy. It’s not the route you take getting there, but the destination. If you are married your dream mate, then why does it matter how you found them?

What can David do about his position in relation to the other partners?

Introduction In considering what rights David has in respect of the other partners, it will first need to be determined whether a partnership has actually been created. For a partnership to be created two or more persons must conduct business with a view to profit. Partnerships are defined under s. 1(1) Partnership Act (PA) 1890 as a â€Å"relation subsisting between persons carrying on business in common with a view of profit†. Since David, Clive and Jane have all started a business in advertising with a view to profit; it is evident that a partnership has been created. As a partnership agreement has not been created by the partners, the partnership will be governed by the PA 1890. David will thus be able to rely on the PA 1890 in order to establish his rights and duties. It is contained within s. 19 PA 1890 that â€Å"the mutual rights and duties of partners whether ascertained by agreement or defined by this Act may be varied by the consent of all of the partners, and such consent may be either express or inferred from a course of dealing†.[1] Therefore, the rights and duties of David will have been capable of being varied with the mutual consent of all the partners. As the partners do not have a partnership agreement in place, it is clear that they have not varied the terms of their rights and duties that are contained under the Act. Given that a partnership is based upon the mutual trust of all the partners, they each owe a duty of good faith. This has been exemplified in the case of Const v Harris[2] when it was held by Lord Eldon that; â€Å"in all partnerships, whether it is expressed in the deed or not, the partners are bound to be true and faithful to each other†. Therefore, each partner must be required to act in the interests of the partnership as a whole and not in the interests of themselves. As Jane is a director of a company that runs corporate events, called Eventbright Ltd, which has been regularly used by the partners, it is questionable whether Jane is acting in the interests of the partnership. This is because Jane may only be using Eventbright Ltd in order to increase profits in her own company. This can be seen in Trimble v Goldberg[3] where it was made clear that all partners must act in good faith for the benefit of the partnership. There are three requirements that must be fulfilled by the partners when acting in good faith of the partnership. These are; 1) the duty to disclose information, 2) the duty to account for benefits received, and 3) the duty in respect of competing business.[4] Whether the latter two duties are being fulfilled by Jane is debatable. This is because Jane may be benefiting from using her company to which she is a director in order to gain profits (s. 29 PA 1890) and her company may be considered a competing business (s. 30 PA 1890). If this is the case, Jane will be required to disclose this information to the other partners and must account for and pay over to the firm all profits made by her. In respect of the restrictions Jane and Clive want to impose upon David’s work, it is likely that David will be able to assert his rights contained under s. 24 PA 1890. Here, it provided that; every partner may take part in the business (24(5)) and that decisions are to be taken by a majority but unanimity is required to change the nature of the business (24(8)). David may therefore take part in the business, yet because Jane and Clive have suggested he take a more administrative role, it is arguable whether this will be sufficient. This is because Clive and Jane will be capable of making a majority decision as to how the business is being run, although they cannot change the nature o f the business without David’s consent. In effect, David may not be able to oppose the decision that is being made by Clive and Jane as they will be able to take a majority vote as to how they think the business should be run. And, if they feel that it is in the best interests of the business, then David may not have any right to argue against this unless they acted in bad faith or attempted to change the nature of the business. If David is not happy with the new arrangements, he may be capable of bringing the partnership to an end. This can be done by giving notice to the other partners (s. 26 and 32 PA 1890). If David decides to bring the partnership to an end, any partner will have the right to publicly notify the dissolution (s. 37 PA 1890). After the partnership has been dissolved, each partner will be entitled to have the partnership property applied so that the debts and liabilities can be discharged. Once this has been done, any surplus will be distributed equally between the partners. Because not all property is partnership property, a distinction will have to be made between personal and partnership property as personal property will not be able to help meet partnership debts (s. 20 PA 1890). Overall, it seems as though David may not be able to oppose the decision of Clive and Jane to restrict his work to more clerical and administrative matters. If David is not happy with this decision he may be able to bring the partnership to an end by giving notice to the partners. Once this has been done, the partnership property will be distributed equally between all three partners. What is the partnership propertyWhy does it matter? The amount of money and property the partners have contributed to the partnership to use in the enterprise is known as partnership capital.[5] This represents the partner’s equity in the partnership and has noted in Reed v Young[6]; â€Å"The capital of a partnership is the aggregate of the contributions made by the partners. It is important to distinguish between the capital of a partnership, a fixed sum, on the one hand and its assets, which may vary from day to day and include everything belonging to the firm having any money value, on the other.† Partnership capital is thereby distinguished from partnership property which is the property that has been acquired by the partnership. This includes a transfer of property to; a) the partnership in its name, b) one of the partners in their capacity as partnership, or c) one of the partners indicating their capacity as a partner.[7] It is vital that partners indicate their intent as to whether the property is to be consider ed capital or property as this will determine who is entitled to the property once the partnership is dissolved. If the property is partnership capital, then the individuals will be entitled to take their share of the property.[8] If the property is partnership property, then the property will be distributed equally between the partners. As pointed out by Lord Andrews LCJ in McClelland v Hyde[9]; â€Å"the capital of a partnership is something different from its property or its assets†. 20(1) PA 1890 states that partnership property includes â€Å"property originally brought into the partnership stock or acquired for the purposes and in the course of the partnership business†. It is important for partners to specify what property belongs to whom in order to avoid any undesirable consequences. The original owners of the property may not be entitled to recover the property in the event that the partnership comes to an end.[10] On the insolvency or bankruptcy of a partnership, there are two sets of creditors; joint and separate. The partnerships assets are referred to as the â€Å"joint estate† in the Insolvency Act 1986 (as amended by the Insolvent Partnerships Order 1994 (SI 1994 2421)) and are used in the first instance to pay the partnerships creditors. If an asset increases in value, the increase will belong to the firm if the asset is partnership property. If the asset is owned by the individual partner, then the increase will belong to the individu al.[11] As a partnership does not have its own separate legal entity, partnerships cannot own property in its own name. Instead, partnership property will be held in the names of the individual partners who will be deemed to be holding the property in their names as agents for the purposes of, and as trustees for, the partnership as shown in Burdick v Garrick[12] where property held on trust for the partners was considered partnership property. There is also a presumption, unless expressly stated otherwise, that partnership property is held by partners as tenants’ in common and not as joint tenants (except for land; s. 39(4) Law of Property Act 1925). This was evidenced in Bathhurst v Scarborough[14] when it was noted that the general rule is that property bought with partnership money belongs to the partnership and will be held by the partners as tenants in common. The accounts of the partnership will usually make it clear which assets are to be considered partnership property and which assets are merely individual property that is to be used by the partnership as in Barton v Morris[15] where it was clear from the partnership’s accounts which assets were to be treated as partnership and individual property. In the instant scenario it would appear as though the office equipment and stationary is partnership property, whilst the rest of the partner’s assets are personal property. However, because there i s no partnership agreement in place that specifies which separates the assets between ‘partnership property’ and ‘partnership capital’ it seems as though s. 20(1) PA 1890 will apply. This means that all of the property that has been brought into the partnership stock will also be called partnership property. This has been recognised by Deards who stated that; â€Å"property brought into the partnership stock will cover property brought in as capital by a partner†.[16] Nevertheless, because s.21 of PA 1890 provides that property brought with the partnership’s money is presumed to have been brought for the partnership, any property that is itemised in the partnerships accounts will be deemed partnership property. This suggests that if the property is not itemised in the partnerships accounts and is merely being used by the partnership, then in the absence of any agreement by the partners, the use of any property by the partners will not be regar ded as partnership property.[17] Consequently, if any of the assets are not itemised in the partnerships accounts it cannot be said that they will be classed as partnership property. In Waterer v Waterer[18], however, the use of land was considered partnership property because of the nature of the partnership. In effect, unless David’s assets are itemised in the partnerships accounts, they will not be considered partnership property. The premises by which the company operates will most likely be considered partnership property in light of the Waterer v Waterer[19] case, whilst the use of Eventbright Ltd will not be. Any assets that are considered partnership property will be shared equally between the partners. Bibliography Books E Deards., Practice Notes on Partnership Law, (Cavendish Publishing, Business & Economics, 1999). E MacIntyre., Business Law, (Essex: Pearson, 6th Edition, 2012). R Mann., Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environment, (London: Cengage Learning, Business & Economics, 2009). Journals K Killington., ‘Partnerships – All Are Equal?’ (2008) Tax Journal, Issue 916, 14-16. P Beasang., ‘Partnerships: Legal Issues’ (2008) Tax Journal, Issue 916, 13-14. T M Lewin., ‘What is Partnership Property?’ (2011) [25 July, 2014]. Legislation Partnership Act 1890 Case Law Barton v Morris [1985] 1 WLR 1257 Bathhurst v Scarborough [2004] EWCA Civ 411 Brown v Inland Revenue Commissioners [1965] AC 244 Burdick v Garrick (1869-1870) LR 5 Ch App 233 Const v Harris (1924) Turn & R 496 McClelland v Hyde [1997] 3 All ER 800, CA Reed v Young [1984] STC 38, 57-58 Trimble v Goldberg [1906] AC 494, PC Waterer v Waterer (1872-73) 15 LR Eq 402

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Health care economics history Essay

Before 1900, there really wasn’t what you could call major health care in this country. The American Medical Association (AMA) was just getting off the ground, hospitals were just getting established, doctors still made house calls and traded their services for goods, and people still used a lot of home remedies to treat their ailments. Health insurance was unheard of! Between the years 1750 and 2000, healthcare in the United States evolved from a simple System of home remedies and itinerant doctors with little training to a complex, scientific, Technological, and bureaucratic system often called the â€Å"medical industrial complex The history and evolution of health care economics involve economist analyzing the health care system. Over the past 60 years health care scientific advancement and economic growth have persisted. Modern advances in health care are driven by market prices. Economists must follow the flow of money to understand health care decisions. Healthcare funding is very complex and assist individuals in ensuring quality service is provided. Thus economist’s decision-making affects the health care system and advancements made. Economists think of strategic solutions to improve the way health care operates. Economists make decisions that affect individuals’ lives. According to wikipedia (2010) the history of economic thought deals with different thinkers and theories in the subject that became political economy and economics from the ancient world to the present day. Economics is the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The moral obligation of businesses is to sell goods at a just price for individuals to consume. In the 1900s individuals paid out of their own pocket for health insurance. No one needed health insurance because it did not cost much. The healthcare system started around the 1920s where the employers paid for individual’s health insura nce. Healthcare began to grow with much more effective treatments and for much more money. Medicines became effective,  research increased, and medical schools expanded to teach physicians proper treatment methods. When people became ill they were willing to pay for their care. The health insurance system began According to Blumberg and Davidson (2009) Thomasson says that if the Great Depression inadvertently Health care economics have drastically altered over the course of annals in the United States. While some can assist these alterations due to the evolutionary alterations the US has undergone since her inception, the foremost assisting components that leverage the alterations in wellbeing care economics are improvement in expertise and health care. By comprehending the annals of wellbeing care economics, and recognize the flow of capital scheme, economic managers are adept to be more amply arranged for the future. It is crucial to recall that the propelling force behind wellbeing care economics is cash, and it performances an integral part to the achievement of the wellbeing care industry. Who buys for what has altered spectacularly in the past 60 years. Whereas in the past, the most of persons paid their health accounts with personal capital, today protection companies are responsible for the cost. Discussed will be the history, evolution of health care economics, the timeline of funding, and its terms. However, individuals give only a little part of the total flow of capital with personal money. The flow of capital is a scheme in which economic managers are adept to â€Å"follow† the cash through the wellbeing care scheme, and as asserted overhead the primary flow of capital have drastically altered from past years. History displays that numerous physicians would trade services for non-money pieces (such as kernel, cotton fabric, livestock, etc.) as types of fee if the one-by-one was incapable to use money. Essentially, these physicians were tradesmen, with the persevering giving one century per hundred of the cost for health services rendered. As the US started to advancement, with improvement in expertise and other chronicled components, a new scheme had to be put into location to help the American community in buying health services. Every year, the United States allots a restricted allowance of cash that may be expended on wellbeing care. The United States health care system is currently getting ready to evolve tremendously through the organization, management structure, and payment structures. The economic component in health care is very important to understand in order to structure it successfully. This papers discusses the evolution of economics in the health  care system and the structure of health care funding timeline. History and Evolution Health care economics presents an information framework were efficiency and equity goals are pursued. Furthermore, economics establishes a framework by maximizing benefits using resources at hand. Kenneth Arrow, the person responsible for mentioning the idea of health economics as a discipline, wrote an article titled â€Å"Uncertainty and the Welfare Economies of Medical Care† in 1963. The article discusses how the medical care industry benefits society compared to the â€Å"norm†. Furthermore, Mr. Arrow wrote about the significance of supply and demand. Arrow discussed that the average person has the characteristic of only seeking medical care when they are suffering from a critical injury or illness. It’s not common for the average person to receive routine medical services on a regular basis. As Mr. Arrows discussed supply condition, he quoted â€Å"Entry to the health care profession is controlled by licensing. Licensing manages the supply which consequentl y increases the cost of medical care. Davis, H. (2003). National center of biotechnology. Retrieved from http://WW.NCBI.NLM.GOV

Friday, September 27, 2019

Care Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Care Plan - Assignment Example self in the planning and resolution process to bring about awareness of his present condition and how to go about making lifestyle changes to resolve the painful issues and restore good health. By involving the patient in the clinical process, the care rendered would be less stressful because the patient would make better adjustments where food, hygiene and other activities were concerned. The symptoms experienced by the patient were severe spasms of pain in the umbilical area accompanied by nausea, and feelings of warmth, sweat and vomiting. From these symptoms, the diagnosis drawn was that the patient suffered from gastroenteritis. The delivery of care was customized according to the needs of the patient in order to ensure better adjustment and better health outcomes. The format used for this clinical case was SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment and Plan) format in order to arrive at the right diagnosis. Subjective data such as the health issues of the patient, the background he came from, occupational and financial status, substance abuse, emotional stability and information of other social activities was collected through dialogue with the patient and other friends and members of his family. Subjective data included that the patient was a male 60 years of age and was a retired school teacher with a Master’s degree in education. He and his wife live off a state teacher’s pension, though his wife continues to work at a grocery store. They have two children, a son and daughter who do not live with them. He is also covered by health insurance. He is a sociable individual because he showed inclination of wanting to involve himself in community work. He denies substance abuse but admits to drinking wine and eating fast foods on a regular basis. His primary complaint was that he had acute pain around the umbilical region accompanied by nausea, queasiness, sweating and a fee ling of vomiting and these symptoms prevailed for the past 24 hours before his visit

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hinduism And The Caste System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hinduism And The Caste System - Essay Example Hinduism along with Judaism could realistically be said to be the foundations from which all other religions have sprung. Hinduism unlike Judaism is an open philosophy and it is this openness in its religious philosophy that has given rise to misconceptions about the religion. There is no founder for the Hinduism nor is there any kind of date that can be fixed for when it originated. The religious philosophy of Hinduism is contained in the several holy texts of Hinduism. (Chaudhuri, C. N., 1979). One of the most common misconceptions is that Hinduism has many Gods and also is a collection of many religious forms. This is far from true. Yes there are many Gods that occupy the heavenly abodes in Hinduism, yet all these gods as with all living beings are the result of the is the result of the creation through the sacrifice of the Supreme Viraat Purusha, or Supreme Being or Brahman. Thus the Supreme Being or Brahman is the Truth and the origin off all, present in all and is the one worthy of all worship. (God or gods?). Hinduism in its humility refuses to define this Supreme Being, as it believes it is not possible to define the Infinite in terms of the finite perspective of human beings. The Supreme Being is present in every living being and can be understood by any individual who chooses to seek the Supreme Being and in this is the finding of the Ultimate Truth.

Summarize the importance of a business impact analysis across the Assignment

Summarize the importance of a business impact analysis across the supply chain (value chain) - Assignment Example , production is efficient and time is saving making it beneficial to outsource products from china other than production because the time saved on production is used for making sales, marketing and developing the business. It is important to note that Chinese cost of raw materials and labor is low. On the other hand, the option of shipping raw materials by air might be very expensive while shipping by sea is slower. For instance, the shipment could be too heavy to be shipped by air making it fair for production to be outsourced from China. The benefit achieved in importing products from China is that the inspection is carried out by a third party so as to enable the mistakes in the products to be ironed out before reaching the US markets. Another benefit is that, quality control in the production plant is put in place. The Chinese companies also conduct education for importers (Power et al., 2006). On the contrary, the importers can import a dangerous product which will consequently lower the volume of sales. In this regard, faults in the product can harm the standing of the firm owing to meager quality product. Risks of terrorism and currency fluctuations should be put into consideration. Other risks include; the uncertainty of quality of products and challenges of keeping the Chinese chain

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Market Segments and Targets Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Market Segments and Targets - Assignment Example Market segments are crucial to business success owing to a number of reasons. An understanding of the market segment one serves helps them to understand the needs and wants of their target market thereby increasing their marketing opportunities. The business is also able to create a solid customer base since the customers realize their value to the firm and appreciate the fact that their needs fit consideration. Segmentation also helps a business focus on the little differences in the market that give them a competitive advantage over their competitors. They are also able to profile their customers and understand the market landscape (Kotler & Keller 2012). In this age of technological advancement, businesses need to stay updated so as to keep up with the upcoming trends in terms of technology. The internet is useful for marketing. It may also be a particularly useful tool for businesses that wish to launch a new product. The global net has made the world a global village, hence very useful in marketing. However, in marketing by use of the internet one ought to take special care and ensure the target market is in mind when choosing the target market. One cannot use the internet to advertise goods to a remote village with no electricity. The market targeted by an entity will have a significant effect on the outlook of its website. When developing a website the business will consider its target market. One cannot design a sophisticated and complex site when targeting the elderly. When dealing with the erratic teens, the site needs to be colorful and fun. An entity will also decide on the content of the site depending on the market.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Philosophy (Theory of knowledge) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Philosophy (Theory of knowledge) - Essay Example First, reason is an objective and powerful decision tool for any body in any areas of life. As written by several authors, I believe that reason is a way of knowing what is right and wrong; what is true and not true; what is valid and not valid; and what is good and bad. As such, anybody could be guided in what to do by reasoning. For example, the decision to help others in need might be both good and bad. Taking for instance the giving of help to a sick person who is hungry. Giving the food asked is good because it will fill his hunger but this could be bad if the kind of food, the time of giving, and the way the food is to be taken are not in accordance with the doctor’s prescription. The reason(s) to help will assist the person in appropriately deciding whether to give or not the food, and if the person should give, what kind of food; when should the food be given; and in what manner should the food be taken. Likewise, in rearing a child, the decision whether to punish or n ot is based on the parents’ motives and manners of discipline which consist of reasons. Further, the decision of going to school and performing best is arrived if a person desires to prepare for the future. Hence, one can manage a better life by advantageously using reason as a guide in decision making. Second, reason is a clear or open inference to support claims and this is so because it is based on facts. Koukl says â€Å"we draw inferences based on cause and effect, or we draw conclusions by employing the laws of rationality.†1 Along this notion, Koukl cited the example that â€Å"square circles can not exist† to emphasize the law of non-contradiction. Consequently, genuine fact is tantamount to certainty which leads to a conclusion that can not be contradicted. For example, in claiming for

Monday, September 23, 2019

Socially Desirable Merit Goods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Socially Desirable Merit Goods - Essay Example Merit goods are normally provided by the state because of the feeling that citizens tend to under-consume them, as well as the fact that they need to either be subsidized or provide freely to the people at the point of consumption so that its consumption is not tied to an individual’s ability to pay for the good. There are quite a number of merit goods that can be provided by the government namely health services, public libraries, education, inoculations for children, work training programmes, and Citizen's Advice Bureaux among others (Grant and Vidler 70). The National Health Services (NHS) is a good example of a merit good provided by the U.K. government. NHS is considered a merit good because the services received from the hospital confers personal benefit to the person receiving the services since there is personal satisfaction in becoming healthy or being healed of a disease. In addition, being healthy allows people to engage in development activities such as getting emp loyment that enables one to earn a living and live a decent life (Grant and Vidler 70). This is because an individual cannot work when he or she is sick. Being healthy also has certain social benefits attached that prompted the establishment of NHS. Firstly, healthy people tend to be more productive than unhealthy people are in the workplace. Unhealthy people are normally not able to perform certain jobs because of their unhealthy status, thus making them less productive ((Riccardo and Tryphon 1367). Healthy people, on the other hand, can perform different jobs in an organization including jobs that require the use of a lot of energy. Furthermore, healthy people are able to work longer hours thereby improving productivity in an organization they work for. Economists agree that many organizations prefer productive workforce to unproductive workforce because it enhances economic growth that increases the national income (Grant and Vidler 70). This statement can be proved by comparing the GDP of countries where health care service provision is poor and those with good health care services like the U.K. In this regard, it can clearly be seen that the GDP of the U.K. is higher than that of developing countries in the word that are still struggle with the proving of quality health care services. Role of the government in providing this merit good to the public Grant and Vidler note that the government plays a big role as far as provision of merit goods is concerned (71). NHS is an example of a merit good that the government of the U.K. has provided for its citizens in order to increase access to health care services in the country. The government took this initiative for a number of reasons. Firstly, the government introduced the NHS for the U.K. citizens to ensure that there is universal health care in the country for all regardless of status. This is because the government felt that leaving the provision of health services solely to the private sectors would make it had for low-income earners, the old, and the disabled in the country to afford this valuable service. The reason being most private health care providers charge high prices for their services to the people and would only be affordable to the rich in the country. Therefore, the provision of this valuable merit good by the state is a means of promoting the consumption of merit good so as to achieve positive externalities attached to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Trade Unions in Bangladesh Essay Example for Free

Trade Unions in Bangladesh Essay Trade unions in bangladesh and its impact Presentation Transcript †¢ 1. TRADE UNIONS IN BANGLADESH AND ITS IMPACTSubmitted By:Md. Omar Faruq Chowdhury -045 12601 Submission Date: 28th November 2012 1 †¢ 2. Contentsa. Definitionb. Causes of organizing trade unionsc. Objectivesd. History of Trade Unionse. Limitationsf. Positive impactsg. Negative impacts:h. Present Scenarioi. Suggestionsj. Conclusion 2 †¢ 3. Definition-Trade Union is an organization of workers who have banded together to achieve commongoals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, achieving higher pay, increasing thenumber of employees an employer hires, and better working conditions. -An organized association of workers in a trade, group of trades, or profession, formed toprotect and further their rights and interests.-A group of employees in a particular sector, whose aim is to negotiate with employees overpay, job security, working hours, etc. using the collective power of the members.-The most common purpose of these associations or unions is maintaining or improvingthe conditions of their employment. 3 †¢ 4. Causes of organizing trade unions†¢ Provision of benefits to members: professional training, legal advice and representation for members is still an important benefit of trade union membership.†¢ Industrial action: Trade unions may enforce strikes or resistance to lockouts in furtherance of particular goals.†¢ Political activity: Trade unions may promote legislation favourable to the interests of their members or workers as a whole. To this end they may pursue campaigns, undertake lobbying, or financially support individual candidates or parties.†¢ Conditions of employment and any grievances – are settled through trade unions.†¢ Bargaining rights: Trade unions bargain and ensure the status, rights, wages and demands of workers of the modern world of industry.†¢ Contribution in economical growth: Trade unions are growing rapidly in an economy because of the expansion of business and economical growth. 4 †¢ 5. ObjectivesTrade unions are the only way to manage, compliant, and control the labor force. Lots of objectives arethere to organize trade unions.1. To defend or improve the wages and working conditions of workers and to bring about a change inthe economic order.2. To strengthen their (labor) bargaining power collectively to establish and achieve all their rights.3. To dully protect all other interest of the workers .And from the management’s point of view theobjectives as written:a. To reduce the number  of negotiation.b. To specify work rules, disagreements and grievances to give the better solution to workers claim.c. To establish the efficient communication between the employers and management to enforce the predictable standards.d. To enhance the overall organizational effectiveness workers can also be sometimes inspired to form and organize trade union. In fact, objectives of a trade union are not defined; rather these are changing according to the need of t he economy and overall industry. When these objectives are not settled then the rivals are started. 5 †¢ 6. History of Trade Unions-The British rulers introduced Trade Union Act, 1926. The main purpose of the Act was to provideregistration for trade unions and in certain respects. But the Act did not contain any provisionregarding strikes.-In 1929, the Trade Disputes Act put restrictions on strikes in public utility services and laidprovision for the establishment of tribunals to adjudicate upon the labor disputes.-In 1947, the Industrial Disputes Act placed the conciliation and adjudication machinery for thesettlement of industrial disputes on a permanent footing. 6 †¢ 7. History of Trade UnionsThe Pakistan Period (1947-71)-The East Pakistan Trade Unions Act, 1965 was enacted repealing the Trade Unions Act, 1926.-The Labor Disputes Act, 1965 was enacted.-Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969 was enacted integrating the above two Acts.Bangladesh Period (1971-onwards)-Government of Bangladesh declared a labor policy in 1972. The right to strike and collectivebargaining in the nationalized industries was prohibited for six months by Presidential order no. 55 inMay 1972.-In 1973, the right to strike and lockout, as granted by IRO, 1969 was withdrawn.-In 1974 Act completely suspended the democratic rights of workers by prohibiting trade unionactivities such as strikes, lock-outs, collective bargaining.-The military regime of 1975 imposed restrictions on the rights of collective bargaining.-The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Ordinance, 1977 liberalized the Rights of Freedom ofAssociation-The Labor Policy of 1980 restored the right to freedom of association to a considerable extent-In 1982 the military regime banned trade union activities, strikes, and right of freedom of association. 7 †¢ 8. History of Trade Unions-Full trade union activities were restored by the democratic government in 1991.-In 2006, an updated, consolidated and unified version of labor laws was enacted.-During the Emergency in 2007 -2008 that lasted for 23 months, trade unions and  collective bargainingwere prohibited and the determination of collective bargaining agent could not be made. -However, full trade union activities were restored by the democratic government in 2009. 8 †¢ 9. LimitationsIn Bangladesh Trade Unions have a lot of unavoidable problems:1. Lack of consciousness: Trade union are not actually completely aware about employees legal rights and duties.2. Lack of Unity: In Bangladesh trade unions are separated for political influence.3. Lack of knowledge: The workers of Bangladesh don’t have enough knowledge about theirrights and duties.4. Political influence: In Bangladesh, trade unions work a part of political parties not as a freeright saving association.5. Division of trade union: Bangladesh is a country where every organization has more tradeunions in name only. The overall productivity got down. 9 †¢ 10. Positive impacts†¢ Trade union plays a major role in creating ideal working conditions.†¢ Trade union always helps management to create better policies for workers. †¢ Trade unions negotiate for the standard wage and benefits with the management.†¢ Trade union helps the management to increases the productivity as well as the profit.†¢ Political influence’s existence makes the trade union not to interfere in management decisions.†¢ Trade union is hugely helping the management to produce more and implementing management tactics. 10 †¢ 11. Negative impacts†¢ Trade Unions are creating a surplus of manpower but not of productivity.†¢ Trade union of Bangladesh bargains more than they understand because of the limitations of their knowledge. If don’t consult then they strike.†¢ Trade Unions have equal power of management then clashes are started.†¢ In companies labors are awarded for good work and threatened for bad work. But if it’s punished then trade union interfere and don’t let to happen the punishment. So it increases crime of the labors.†¢ Trade union leaders always tr y to save their interest first then the labor.†¢ For the power of politics trade union always dishonor the management. 11 †¢ 12. Present ScenarioCategories Total number of Number of unions Number of members unions/federations includedNational federation 32 1264 1,263,66Industrial federation 108 721 640,221Garments federation 15 80 50,14Basic union 5,242 2,069,61 12 †¢ 13. Suggestions†¢ Strengthening bilateral collective bargaining for solving problems quickly and effectively.†¢ Multiplicity of trade union creates the rivals in a union. So it must be reduced.†¢ Political involvement must be reduced.†¢ Organization  must support financially as trade unions support the worker.†¢ Training programs under trade union should be helpful to develop the skills of the workers.†¢ Trade union’s function should be increased and widened throughout the organization.†¢ Union leader must be given importance and encourage the members. †¢ If trust between workers and management increases, productivity increases.†¢ Management must help and guide trade unions to settle industrial clashes and crisis.†¢ Trade unions always should demand reasonable thing to the management. 13 †¢ 14. Conclusion-The industrial relation system is pre-dominantly confrontational in nature rather than cooperative inBangladesh.-Although in recent times the rate of unionization has increased in the RMG sector, trade union affiliationis low in Bangladesh compared to many other developing countries .-The promotion of independent trade unions and collective bargaining can contribute to political andsocial stability and consequently create more favorable climate for foreign investment.-Trade unions have an important role to play in settling disputes between workers and management overwages by way of collective bargaining.-All the developing countries trade unions were influenced politically, but they used politics to create abetter solution.-Bangladesh should also start practicing like Japanese trade union which has a single union for singleenterprise. There is no conflict, no unfair means and no strikes in productivity and the growth of theoverall economy.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Marketing Analysis Of Md Lanka Canneries Limited Marketing Essay

Marketing Analysis Of Md Lanka Canneries Limited Marketing Essay Socio Cultural Analysis  ­Ã‚ ­Country History The Maldives is a country which is famous for is natural resources of fisheries, which is threatened by global warming and also one of the worlds poorest developing countries. The ancestors of Maldives were probably Sri Lankans and southern Indians who went there before 555 B.C.E. as the history begins Maldivians were originally Buddhists but around in the twelfth century Islam was announced as the national religion. It is a vital factor to focus since Islamic perceives different values and marketing products to Maldives will have focus on this aspect. Geographical setting- Location, Climate and Topography The Maldives is a country which consists of twenty-six coral islands, in the northern Indian Ocean, where the capital city Male. The closest neighbors are India and Sri Lanka. Due to high alkinity of the soil and poor water retention agricultural potential is limited. However, people grow vegetables, fruits and yams. The country climate is warm and tropical. Two yearly monsoons determine the seasonal changes. The northern islands are drier comparatively to the southern. The northeast monsoon lengthens from December to April by being dry and mild winds. Although the southwest monsoon extends from May to August brings heavy rains and winds. Concerning about these above stated factors are important to determine the distribution channels and how the eating patterns will change will and the effect of the monsoons since the fisheries industry will be affected. Living conditions Diet and nutrition, meat and vegetables consumption rates, typical meals, malnutrition rates and foods available The most prominent component of Maldivian food is natural fish mainly tuna. However, the different travelers from different parts of the world have been able to add new flavors of vegetables and seasonings were introduced. The Maldivian cuisine currently comprises Arabic, Indian, Sri Lanka and oriental tastes blended into a unique cuisine that represents a cookery identity of its own. Eating in male would be a different; especially the short eats known as hedika which comes in sweet, sour and spicy flavors. Rice and garudhiya (fish soup), with chilli, lemon and onion consists of the traditional meal. Sweet dishes include custard and fruits such as bananas, mangoes and papayas. During the fasting month of Ramazan watermelons are their favorites. Living conditions will be in concern when trying to seek for demand for canned fruits and vegetables and eating patterns of the Maldivians. Language- Official languages, spoken versus written languages and dialects Pronunciation and vocabulary differs between islands especially between north and south islands. Maldivians official language is Dhivehi, for business purposes they speak in English. Communicating is an important factor when trying to do business with another country. Languages and gesture observation is needed for business (Tourism Asia,n.d.). Economic Analysis There are a number of risks involved in international trade such as regulatory risks, governmental actions, risks unfavorable exchange movements etc that prevent from doing international business. A comprehensive economic analysis of Maldives will enable MD to identify future prospects and also drawbacks within Maldives. Further, it will give an insight for the past experiences of the dynamic world trade. Population Total growth rates, number of live births and birthrates The understanding of the total population will enable to understand the current demand trends. The total population is 305,027(2008) out the majority are female. The growth rate is 1.42% (2008) is comparatively high to countries like USA and India, but not in the extreme high (Index Mundi,2009). This figure helps to determine the future demand in the market. Economic statistics and activity In concern towards the total GDP is $1.716 billion (2008). A critical analysis of this factor will help to determine if Maldives economy is growing or rather moving towards recession. Hence it is also a fine tool to determine the monetary health of the Maldivians (U.S.Department of State,n.d.).Personal income per capita is $4,200 (Index Mundi,2009). The only resource that is of commercial importance is fish. According to the Nations encyclopedia there are no mineral resources in Maldives (Encyclopedia of the Nationas,2010). This indicates that it is a poor country in natural resources. This will assist the feasibility study in resources allocations and usage. Furthermore, an analysis of the transportation modes and usage rates will give an understanding to determine the distribution from the origin destination and also mode selection when preparing the marketing plan. There are taxis to travel within the main city of Maldives, Male. There are ferries and taxi boats to travel around t o visit the other island of Maldives. There are also inter island air systems; namely Maldivian Air taxi or Trans Maldivian Airways (Travelspedia,2007). In more concern towards goods transportation is shipping facilities provided. There are 29 merchant marines in total that engage in transporting goods. This contains four different fields such as total, ships by type, foreign owned and registered in other countries. In total there 5 Airports which are recognizable from air and out of which include the paved and unpaved ports. At glance at the Maldivian communication system, one of the best with latest technology and satellite systems (Rio Travels Inc,n.d.). The land telephone lines as well as the fax service and internet connections are provided even via wireless communication techniques. It also compromises of newspapers; television and radio are 3 radio broadcasting channels namely AM radio, FM radio and shortwave, also only 1 broadcasting station (Maps of World,2009). Such information will be useful to determine promotion mix in the marketing plan, because, there might be high clutter. There are also newspapers available. The Maldives national newspaper in Divehi is Afathis and the national newspaper in Divehi and English is Haveeru. In addition in Male there is the local newspaper in English namely, Evening Weekly (,2006-2010). Investment plays a critical role in the development of Maldives, where Maldives is progressively developing finance. The government of Maldives set up the FISB (Foreign Investment Services Bureau) to provide every potential manner to help and benefit investors. Banking, resource management, accounting, telecommunications, manufacturing and courier services are the key segments that foreign investment comes from to Maldives. The FISB has identified several sectors with potential of acquiring foreign investments. They are mainly the financial sector, the transport sector, information and technology, fisheries and also tourism (Maps of World,2009). Such information will assist in determining opportunities for business development. The trade exports are $113 million (2008) from fish products where the major markets are Thailand, U.K, France, Italy, Algeria and Sri Lanka. There is major imports worth of $1.276billion flowing out due to petroleum products, ships, foodstuff, intermediate and capital goods and clothing and the major suppliers are from U.A.E, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand (U.S.Department of State,n.d.). This in sequence, shoes that there might not be potential restriction for business because Sri Lanka is already currently in business with Maldives. There are not many retailers in Maldives, distributors in Maldives, since its a small country with many atolls. The national distributor is Islanders Maldives PTE LTD and the main retailers are Evince and Timepieces Duty Free. Since the business needs to operate with Maldivian employees it is important to know the labour size and unemployment rates. The labor size is 144,000 where as the unemployment rate is 14.6% (2006). Inflation, year over year has been 12.80%. This is an important indicator when setting the pricing strategies. Product MD Lanka Canneries Ltd is the planning the process of marketing canned Bitter gourd and Jak to Maldives. Relative Advantage MD Lanka Canneries Ltd has become a national icon in Sri Lanka for their distinctive unique brand of ice jam, cordial and canned vegetables and fruits. Hence, it is also the current market leader in Sri Lanka. The well established recognition is an added benefit to the product since we are entering into the state of Male in Maldives which has a relatively low competition. The company places special emphasis on the production of essences that go into the canned vegetables. Especially, their traditionally exquisite canned jak fruit, which is most popular dish among Sri Lankans. The Maldivians have a high tendency of switching brands and the younger generation has a trend towards consuming foreign products over their local products. Canned bitter gourd and jak is extremely high priced compared to other international canned vegetable competitors. A can of bitter gourd and mature jak cost of MRF 16. Compatibility In terms of compatibility, canned vegetables are a popular, existing product which has been accepted by almost all the Maldivians. There are no such cultural issues when it comes to consuming canned vegetables in Maldives. Therefore, this product will be purchased as soon as it is released to the market. Male state is a vastly populated state and their consumption of is comparatively not that low compared to Sri Lankans. Complexity We are offering them a product unlike a service which has the intangible aspect. Thus, canned vegetables are considered as a fast moving consumer good (FMCG). Hence, there are no such complexities to a well-known product such as canned vegetables. The only novelty will be the new unique range of vegetables canned which MD offers to the Maldivian market. Trialability Trialability is a definite possibility where we can make arrangements for consumers to test the flavor of particular canned vegetables prior to purchasing. This is important since the flavors are new to the Maldivian market. Observability Due to the tangible nature of the product, the consumers get the opportunity to evaluate the product in all three stages of consumption, which are pre-purchase, purchase and the post purchase stage. Implications No major issues and problems have been essentially identified through the evaluation. As mentioned above, the main issue which has the potential of hindering the growth of the products is the high level of competition. Since canned vegetables are a fast moving items consumers are very price sensitive. We will overcome the barrier of low literacy level of consumers by using both Divehi and English on the package labeling. Market Analysis Marketing trends The most widely used tools for marketing canned vegetables products are trade fairs and retail selling (H. Sinana, personal communication, March 23rd 2010). This is also a feature of overall B2B marketing (Dwyer Tanner, 2002). Trade fairs prove to be the most effective method of marketing in this industry. Retail selling is also used widely by all canned food producers, since many organizations do not have the facilities to conduct large scale advertising. Competitor products There are many competitors in the Maldivian market, and the main market player is Twin elephant its held 28% of market share and followed by Harvest at 11% and Dily food at 8% (personal word of mouth). All these brands are well known International brands which have already gained recognition and a good reputation in the particular market. Therefore, it is going to be difficult to differentiate ourselves from the competitors. Hence, marketing the product and building brand awareness is vital for the success of this product. The brand name has a huge effect on sales and therefore, it must be ensured that the MD logo and brand name is made common in the market, so that the target market can identify with the brand. The other brands hold a significant market share but the MD will stand a chance. The above mentioned brands offer a wide variety of features in their products. Especially brands such as Twin elephant have a wide variety of canned vegetables. Such as soy beans, baby corn etc. Competitor Prices and Promotions Canned vegetables providers such as Twin elephant, Harvest and Dily food are less expensive than MD Lanka Canneries Lanka Ltd products which will be MRF 14 because they cater to a slightly different market but on the other hand MD Canneries Lanka Ltd could end up being more expensive because it has to be produced in Sri Lanka and must bare all transportation and exporting costs. The price will also include some amount of tariff or tax on the product and since it is difficult for Sri Lanka to gain economies of scale, it is nearly impossible to give it at a very low price or rather lower than the local providers in Maldives. MD Canneries Lanka Ltd will be middle of the range product because other local vegetable providers will have very low prices. Maldivians are very much similar to Sri Lankans in terms of how they approach a new brand and what methods drive them into purchasing that product. The competitors too use various approaches to promote their products through print and electronic media, such as very attractive TV advertisements. References Annual Report.(2009).MD Lanka Canneries Ltd. Countries and Their Cultures.(2010).Maldivian Culture.Retrieved May 28th, 2010, from Dwyer, R. F., Tanner, J. F. (2002). Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships and Learning .2nd edition. McGraw Hill Irwin. Encyclopedia of the Nationas.(2010).About Maldives.Retrieved May 28th, 2010, from Hello Maldives Holidays.(1998).Port Handling.Retrieved May 28th, 2010, from Index Mundi.(2009).Maldives GDP-real growth rate.Retrieved May 28th, 2010, from Maps of World.(2009).Maldives Communications. Retrieved May 28th, 2010, from Retrieved May28th,2010,from Maps of World.(2009).Maldives Fanance and Investment.Retrieved May 28th, 2010, from MD Lanka Canneries Ltd.(2004).Company Information. Retrieved May 20th, 2010, from My Maldives Travel Guide .(2005-2010).Maldivian-Food.Retrieved May 20th, 2010, from Newspapers.Retrieved May 28th, 2010, from Rio Travels Inc.(n.d.).Maldives.Retrieved May 28th, 2010, from This is Maldives.(2010).Maldives Travel Tips.Retrieved May 28th, 2010,from Tourism Asia.(n.d.).Maldives.Retrieved May 28th, 2010, from Travelspedia.(2007).Maldivian Travel Information. Retrieved June 3rd , 2010, from U.S.Department of State.(n.d.).About Maldives.Retrieved May 28th, 2010, from Marketing Objectives Target Market The target market is for all Maldivian who are able to consume any type of hard food. This includes children starting from the age of one year to all adults. Business objectives and expected sales Even though canned food is widely available in all supermarkets in Maldives, the two products Bitter Gourd and Mature Jak is not yet available in Maldives as they are vegetables that are really rare. Thus MD Canneries Lanka Ltd would focus on three key objectives. First is to introduce the two new vegetables to the Maldivian market secondly to create value and demand for the two products and then to capture 5-10% of the market within the first one year (year 2011). In achieving the three main objectives MD Canneries Ltd would work towards achieving the following objectives within the first one and half years, To attract all the main super markets to sell the products with a good shelf space available for the product. To rapidly increase sales and thus make the two products an everyday needed product. To build a good brand name for MD Canneries Ltd so that in the future more products could be exported to Maldives. The product is expected to be priced at LKR.1760. The amount of cans expected to be sold are 24,000 per annum. Thus the sales for the first year (year 2011) are expected to be around LKR.37, 756,800 (See Appendix 5). Market Penetration Maldives could be considered as an emerging market and although the government encourages foreign business in the country the policies are not as free as it really appears to be. So weve decided the export-based entry is the strategy by which the market can be penetrated. Indirect exporting is where the home country agents are used to get the product in to the foreign markets which will be competitively feasible. Since they understand the market conditions and etc better the company will have an added advantage and could reduce research costs. And since most of the agents maintain good relationships with retailers it would be easier to enter the markets. The company could reduce risk such investing in unnecessary markets and so on. Furthermore there is an annual fair every four years and this year it will be done in November. We hope to go there and build up our network among the four leading retailers Red wave, Agora, STO super mart and VB mart (H.Sinnan,personal communication,May 12th ,2010). The core component of the product is the canned vegetables. There is no requirement of adaptation or modification to it as it would be sent in the same manner as used in Sri Lanka with brine as a preservative. The packaging is would not change as the can would be the most appropriate to support transportation. MDs labels are done in both English and Divehi languages. Further the MD labels and packaging are already approved within Sri Lankan and international standards. No specific and unique transportation method need. The taxis could be used for the distribution process. The production, packaging and labeling would be done in the MD Canneries Ltd factory Sri Lanka. Therefore the product sent to Maldives would be a ready sell product. Advertising and Promotional Mix Advertising All advertising and promotional activities would be restricted to Male only initially as the product would be first only introduced to Male. The advantage MD has is the acceptance of its brand at Maldives as many of its Cordial and Jam products are already being exported to Maldives. Advertising methods such as Magazine, Television, Radio and Billboards and both Trade and Consumer Sales promotions are suggested to be used. Advertising objectives To create awareness the Maldivian market, of the two new vegetable products by way of emphasising the nutrition factor and the ability to be consumed by the entire family of the products. To persuade all people in Maldives to purchase it and use it as an everyday product thus increasing repeat purchase. To further generate awareness of the brand MD in-order so that in the future more Vegetable products could be exported adding to the existing portfolio exported to Male. Media Mix The indoor advertising tools intended to use are TV, Radio and Magazine. Magazine The Rasrani (Female Beauty) monthly magazine would be used to publish a full page ad every month, in order to promote the product among all the mothers and house wives in Maldives. This is selected as it directly targets at the house wives, mothers and parents who purchase food for their homes (H.Sinnan,personal communication,May 12th ,2010). Television The local government TV channel Television Maldives (TVM) will be initially used for advertising a 30 second commercial. This is because Maldivians rely on the government messages a lot .The program chosen is Hendunu Hendunu(Morning Morning) program telecasted every morning from 7.15 am to 8.30 am which is targeted at females in Maldives which also have specific cookery demonstrations. Recommended is to take two programs every week Monday and Tuesday ,so that it will not clash with the Radio commercials on Wednesdays and Thursdays .This is used as it directly targets the house wife or mothers in Maldives where they would be the ones actually using the MD canned vegetable product (H.Sinnan,personal communication,May 12th ,2010). Radio The radio channel Capital Radio95.6, would be used for 10 second radio commercials. The Chefs Talk morning program from 10 am to 12 pm which they have twice a week on Wednesdays and Thursdays where a chef comes on air to speak on cookery will be used to air the radio commercials of the product as it directly target the uses of the vegetable can product i.e. the females in Maldives (Asiawaves,n.d.) (H.Sinnan,personal communication,May 12th ,2010). Billboards The billboards are recommended to be published close to the super markets Red Wave, Agora, STO Supermarket and VB Mart where the product is been sold in Male (H.Sinnan,personal communication,May 12th ,2010). Message The message that would be sent across to the target market is the same message used in all MD advertisements in Sri Lanka To be a household brand (Annual Report, 2009). Media Schedule and Budget allocation Media Name of programme Duration/Size of Ad No. of spots per episode/programme/publication Number of time telecasted/on air/published/ per year Total spots for an year Cost per episode/programme/publication/board Total Cost per year with tax(NBT 3%, VAT 12%)(LKR) Television Maldives Capital radio Hendunu Hendunu (Morning Morning) Chefs talk 30 sec 10sec 2 per episode 2 per program 52 episodes 104 programmes 104 208 100,000 8,000 13,553,031.00 Magazine Rasrani (Female Beauty Full page 1 per magazine 12 magazines 12 Magazines 33,330 553,728.00 Bill Boards 30x15 2 Billboards 250,000 576,800.00 Sales Promotions Both sales and trade promotions would be used in-order to generate and increase sales at the introduction stage of the product in Male. Sales promotions Objectives Trade Sales Promotion To ensure the product is available in all main supermarkets in Male. To ensure the retailers would promote the product to the customers and give good shelf space. Consumer Sales Promotions To give a rapid start for the sales of the product while its at the introduction stage in Male. To ensure the first two months sales target is achieved while creating the brands awareness. To continue to achieve sales target through the brand name built during the first two months. To build the brand MD into a household everyday brand by increasing the product portfolio exported to Maldives. Sales promotion mix Trade Sales Promotions Trade Discounting A discount would be given to the retailers in bulk purchasing. This would be a 10% off on all purchase of over 1000 cans. Reward Points / Loyalty Card Reward points will be given to all retailers on the purchase of item. A point each for every 100 cans purchased would be given. Once they have accumulated 100 points, a 20% discount would be given on the next purchase of 1000 cans along with a loyalty card which could be used to get a three months credit period and many other offers that are introduced from time to time. This would be done continuously in order to keep the sales levels high at all times. Consumer Sales Promotions Special offers. A special offer is suggested to be given within the first two months for all consumers. The offer would give every purchase of a can each of the two varieties together i.e. The Mature Jak and Bitter Gourd, a free recipe book with 4special Sri Lankan recipes to prepare the two vegetables the Sri Lankan way. This would create the Sri Lankan nature of the brand MD and thus achieve MDs objectiveness of building the local brand and also increase the sales rapidly during the introduction stage of the product in Male. Strategy Price per can (LKR) (Maximum) QTY purchased to receive discount (Per time) Discount (Maximum) Total Cost(LKR) Trade Sales Promotions Trade Discount Loyalty Cards Consumer Sales Promotion Special Offer-Recipe Book 1760 1000 cans 1000 cans 2 10% 20% LKR20 worth book 38,016.00 76,032.00 271,824.00 Strategy Price per can (LKR) (Maximum) QTY purchased to receive discount (Per time) Discount (Maximum) Total Cost(LKR) Trade Sales Promotions Trade Discount Loyalty Cards Consumer Sales Promotion Special Offer-Recipe Book 1760 1000 cans 1000 cans 2 10% 20% LKR20 worth book 38,016.00 76,032.00 271,824.00 2.2.3 Sales promotion budget Distribution The canned vegetables will be transferred from Colombo harbor port to the Port of Male. Such port was selected since it is the easiest and faster way to enter Maldives and will be cleared fast and last but not least since it is very convenient for the companys distribution of goods of canned vegetables (Hello Maldives Holidays,1998).Mode of selection would be taxis since it is not much to travel within the country. Hence the start up business is intended in Male only it will be easy. But for further expansions to other allots ferries would be used. Selecting such modes would be advantages since it is reliable and cost effective. It is compulsory the packaging is written in Divehi as well as English to meet Maldivian packaging standards. The port authority of Male should receive certain documents 24hrs prior to the arrival at the Port authority for clearance at the port. Documents such as the name of the vessel, name of master and nationality, port of registry and number, type of vessel, cargo of discharge, ETA to the port, LOA/Beam/ and maximum draft, name of the local agent and Call sign. Such documents are needed to get the clearance from the port (Hello Maldives Holidays,1998). 3.1 Channels of Distribution (Micro Analysis) The channels of distribution could vary since there are wholesalers, retailers and sales representatives. There are 4 main retailers in Maldives namely; Red wave, Agora, STO super mart and VB mart. Retailers We decided to distribute our product through retailers in Male, the direct exporting method. Initially, all the transactions will be done on cash. We will briefly explain the retailers the standards associated with frozen products once the shipment is cleared from the port until it is sold to the consumer. The retailers we have selected to distribute our product are Red wave, Agora, STO super mart and VB mart. Price Determination Cost of Shipment of cans The shipping cost would be same as the shipment of other products which are transported to Maldives by MD (Jam, Cordials etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). A shipment of a standard container with 10,000 cans would be LKR 75,000(Annual Report, 2009). Transportation cost Transportation cost will be borne by the Maldivian Retailers when the goods land at Male. The transportation cost from MD Lanka Canneries to the Sri Lankan Port would be less as it would be shared with the transportation of the other goods other than the two products expected to transport (Mature Jak, Bitter Gourd) Therefore the cost portion for the transportation would be a total of LKR 12,000 per tour (transportation turn) done (Annual Report, 2009). 4.3 Handling Expenses Handling charges inclusive of pier charges, warfare fees, loading and unloading fees and all other overheads while goods are transported to the port would include LKR15, 000 per tour (Annual Report 2009). 4.4 Insurance Cost The total insurance cost per annum for transportation of the two product variables only to Maldives is LKR250, 000.The figure is not as high as transportation bottled Jam or Cordials as the risk of damage for the products are less since the packaging is done in aluminum can. 4.5 Wholesale and Retail Mark-Ups A mark-up of 90% is kept over the production cost of a can of vegetable, exported to Male. Such high mark-up is kept to cover the cost of shipping, handling, insurance and other costs. The products would directly be transported to the retailers and thus, the retailers could enjoy a markup of 12% on the whole-sale price before selling it at their super markets. 4.6 Companys Gross Margin The mark up that MD Lanka Canneries Ltd could have over each cans production cost is 15% if sold locally. This is sufficient to enjoy a profit of 10% even after covering the local marketing, advertising and promotional costs. MD Lanka Canneries Ltd could set a mark-up of 90% after marketing promotion and advertising costs on each can exported to Male ( Mark-up of 90% should cover an estimated cost of 30% for shipping, handling, insurance and other costs). Thus a net profit of 60% could be enjoyed on each can exported to Male. 4.7 Retail Pricing The retail price is kept MRF2 higher than the Twin Elephant Competitor brands price of MRF14 for a 560g can. Thus the price is MRF16(16*110=LKR1760).The price is kept higher to indicate the better quality of the product and also as MD is already one of the most recognized and trusted brands in Maldives and thus has a good demand. 4.8 Terms of Sale 4.8.1 Cash on Delivery We have chosen the payment term as cash on delivery. These terms require payment to the transportation company for the full invoice  document which shows the terms of sale. This includes a full description of the goods, sale price, charges, and discounts and of course the amount at the time of the delivery. If the buyer will refuse to accept the shipment which means that the seller will have to bear the costs of freight charges to and from the buyers location, preparation and packaging costs and possible deterioration of the product, unlike

Friday, September 20, 2019

Significance Of Site Layout Planning Construction Essay

Significance Of Site Layout Planning Construction Essay Site layout planning can affect productivity and is crucial to project success. However, as construction is heterogeneous in the nature of its organizations, project designs, time constraints, environmental effects, etc., site layout planning for each project becomes unique. Affected by many uncertainties variables! And variations, site layout planning is a typical multi objective problem. Introduction Problem solving requires representing the problem in a language that problem solvers can understand. However, solutions of most construction problems rely on empirical Knowledge about the site layout that can be as a site space allocation for material storage, working areas, units of accommodation, plant positions, general circulation areas, and also access and egress for deliveries and emergency services. Furthermore, conflicting objectives and the uniqueness of construction projects like bad site layout make the problems difficult to conceptualize and define. In this report presenting, a routine task for many site staff in both precontract and postcontract stages of site layout planning of the typical multi criteria and multi objective construction problems. It is very much influenced by types of construction, density of development, and whether the site is bad or in a good layout. Significance of Site Layout Planning Site layout shows the relationship of the proposed site with its surroundings with respect to communication, approaches, and existing facilities. Good site layout planning assists in minimizing the traveling time and movement costs of plant, labor, and materials, activity interference during construction work, and site accidents, and ensures that work on buildings and other construction positions is not impeded by the thoughtless storage of materials on these locations. So site layout can thus either enhance or adversely affect construction productivity and progress. It is important to acquire the knowledge of the project site before setting out the site layout. The knowledge about the project site can be obtained from: Site Investigation Site investigation is a process of site exploration consisting of boring, sampling and testing so as to obtain geotechnical information for a safe, practical and economical geotechnical evaluation and design. Generally it is an exploration or discovery of the ground conditions especially on untouched site. In other words the main purpose of site investigation is to determine within practical limits, the depth, thickness, extent and compositions of each subsoil stratum, the depth and type of rock, the depth and composition of groundwater, the strength, compressibility and hydraulic characteristics of soil strata required by geotechnical engineers. Sometimes it is also known as geotechnical investigation. Wok Procedure for SI Steps of work involved in site investigation: 1.Desk study to collect all the relevant data and information, 2.Reconnaissance of site works, 3.Planning program after reviewing the above, 4.Ground or soil exploration includes boring, sampling and testing, 5.Laboratory testing (also field if necessary), 6.Preparation and documentation of SI report, 7.Engineering design stages, 8.Review during construction and monitoring. Steps of Soil Exploration Soil exploration consists of: Boring: Refers to drilling or advancing a hole in the ground. The test would include hand auger, motorized hand boring (wash boring), deep boring (rotary drilling), and/or trial pits. Sampling: Refers to removing soil from the hole. The samples can be classified as disturbed or undisturbed sampling. Disturbed samples are usually used for soil grain-size analysis, determination of liquid limit, specific gravity of soil as well as compaction test and California bearing ratio (CBR). The undisturbed samples are collected at least every 1.5 m and if changes occur within 1.5 m intervals, an additional sample should be taken. Testing: Refers to determining the properties from the soil. The test can be performing either at laboratory or at field. Laboratory testing would normally be moisture content, sieve analysis, liquid limit, compaction test, CBR and so forth. Field test would include Standard Penetration Test (SPT), Cone Penetration Test (CPT) and Vane test. Record of Soil Exploration It is important to keep complete and accurate records of all data collected. Boring, sampling and testing are often costly. A good map giving specific locations of all boring should be available. All boring should be identified and its location documented by measurement to permanent features. And all pertinent data should be recorded in the field on a boring log sheet. Soil data obtained from a series of test boring can best be presented by preparing a geologic profile: Arrangement of various layers of soil, Ground water table, Existing / proposed structures, Soil properties data (e.g., Standard Penetration Test values). The profile was prepared with data obtained from the boring, sampling and testing of each borehole from selected points. Summarizing Scope of site investigation works when planned by different engineers tend to be varied because there are an infinite number of conditions to be met and the process of planning also leaves many areas where individual judgment and experiences must be applied. It is also impossible to attempt to provide an exhaustive step by step guideline applicable to all possible cases. It should be realized that there is a possibility that any site investigation may leave some area unexplored or overlooked. The main risk in foundation design is the uncertainty involving in predicting soil conditions which may change with environment. The more site investigation the more it will reduce the margin of uncertainty but the time and cost requirement will be exorbitant. Therefore the extent and the cost of Site Investigation should be such that risk is at an established acceptable level to the designer and also comply to the accepted code of practice. Decision Criteria and Site Facilities Adopted in Site Layout Planning Although each site layout is unique, site layout planning can be resolved into a repetitive selection-evaluation process. Several analysis techniques can be used for the selection process for example, the dominant factor analysis and Parker s judgment technique, which can be used to screen out available decisions in choosing facilities, and identify key decision factors and locations for each particular facility. All space-planning problems consist of a set of activities to be located and a space in which to locate them. Site layout planning consists of identifying the facilities needed to support construction operations, determining their size and shape, and positioning them within the boundaries of the site. So, the most temporary facilities are classified into six important categories, which are tabulated in Table 1. Table1. General Classification of Temporary Facilities Temporary facilities Description Access road and exit Needs vary with the type of project and the stage of the job. It will normally be linked with the plan of construction and in some cases may actually control the progress of construction. Ideally, short direct routes and one-way traffic are encouraged. Location of plant and equipment Choice of the major items of the plant is of real consequence on most sites. Correctly chosen and well operated and maintained equipment enables a construction project to be completed efficiently and economically. Material storage and handling area Areas must be set aside for the storage and handling of material. The objective here is to minimize waste and losses arising from careless handling, bad storage, or theft, and to reduce costs by obviating double handling or unnecessary movement. Site accommodations and welfare facilities Consideration should always be given to the possibility of ensuring that the site accommodations are kept at a suitable distance from the construction work and are in such a position to enable the site staff to conduct their duties (welfare facilities also) Temporary services This includes water supply, electricity supply, gas, telephones, and drainage the requirements of which may vary between different projects. Workshop position Position should be indicated to enable the site supervisor to arrange for the erection of the following types of workshops: 1) fitter s shops and work area; 2) joinery shop and machinery area; 3) Reinforcement and bar bending areas; and 4) Concrete mixing. Bad site layout planning Bad site layout is usually a multi criteria problem involving in construction site without any or less temporary facilities regarding to the type of project. Fig1.Bad site layout Figure1 shows one of the bad site layouts occurs daily in construction site that the Decision makers made mistake. As you can see there are some missing temporary facilities like: 1. There is no enough access road to use. Only have two main entries that all type of vehicles can access. 2. No female toilet for any side of the site layout. 3. They don t provide any temporary office place 4. There is no storage for steel, timber and other facilities. 5. No temporary services including water supply pipes and waste storage like septic tank. According to all that things, we can say the site layout planning is bad layout. Cause for the lake of or missing of some important facilities that leads the hall project to be fulfilled. Conclusion Site investigation product plane such as space allocations and material transportations need a lot of experience and knowledge. The planning of a site layout in practice will depend upon a number of factors such as the time and money. The need for careful site layout and site organization planning becomes more relevant as the size and complexity of the construction operation increases, and especially where spare site space is very limited.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sir Donald Bradman Essay -- Sports Baseball Bradmand Essays

Sir Donald Bradman Sir Donald Bradman, who died at the age of 92, was the greatest cricketer of the 20th century and the greatest batsman ever lived. He was arguably the most famous athlete in the eyes of most Australians, as sports has played the major role in giving the young nation of Australia global standing, self-belief and a sense of identity. Sir Donald Bradman is an Australian sporting hero. His achievements on the cricket field from 1928 to 1948 are still among the world's best. The tragic boxer of Les Darcy and champion galloper Phar Lap played a part, making up a trinity of Australian sporting legends, but nothing could match the phenomenon of Bradman. His battling statistics are incredible, incomparably ahead of everyone else playing the game. He creases in major cricket for 338 times, but in 117 of those innings returned with a century. He was better than twice the ratios achieved by such greats such as Jack Hobbs, Len Hutton, Denis Compton. His first class average was 95.4, where his nearest rival is 71. Most famously, he went out at the Oval in his last ten innings needing only four to finish with an average of 100, and was bowled second by Eric Hollies, of Warkwickshire, for a duck. It was as though the cricket god had reclaimed the invulnerability they had given him. His final average is 99.94 remains so resonant in cricket history, that the Australian Broadcasting Commission uses it as its post office box number. Donald Bradman had embodied the Australian dream. He was a country boy, born in Cootamundra in rual New South Wales. Donald bradman was the blond, blue-eyed baby of the family, with other three older sisters and a brother. His father was a carpenter and farmer whose earnings was average. None of bradman’s school friends lived there him, so in those solitary moments, he had invented a game that involved throwing a golf ball at the base of the family water tank and whacking it with a cricket stump. The ball fizzes off the tank at high speed at unpredictable angles. Donald left school at fourteen and didn’t started to play cricket seriously until he was eighteen. His headmaster had commented that he was a truthful, honest, industrious and unusually bright. He began work at a real estate agent in Bowral. In 1923-1924, he played no cricket at all and little in the following summer. Most of his free time was given to ten... ...cted and admired through out the world for not only her personal qualities and family values, died in September 1997, after 65 years of loving marriage. This had simplify for Sir Donald Bradman that the 'best partnership of his life' was over. Donald Bradman was knighted in Melbourne at 1949, and went into the role cricketing elder statesman. He's the only Australian ever knighted for services to the game of cricket. He gave up his stockbroking career and became a selector and administer, dealing firmly with the throwing crisis that convulsed the game at the end of 1950s. After being knighted in 1949, Sir Donald Bradman wanted a very private life. The Wisden panel in 2000 voted Sir Donald Bradman as the cricketer of the century, with unanimous hundred percent votes. He'll be long remembered for his sporting skill, gentle manner and good humour. His reputation as a cricketer has never been questioned. The memory of Don Bradman is revered like no other wherever the great game of cricket is played. He is no doubt a legendary sportsman, which will remains enigmatic in our heart forever. Cricket has known great man and fine players, but there has been and can be, only one Bradman.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Heineken’s follows a differentiation business strategy and multi-domestic strategy. Heineken gains a competitive advantage by distinguishing their products by creating Premium Light beer line, portable draught beer system (DraughtKeg), and redesigning their bottles. Heineken Premium Light attracted customers without taking sales away from their other beer selection. The decision regarding the launch of their new product was to raise brand awareness in the U.S. market and react to changes in the growing global market. Major source of Heineken’s revenue comes from their subsidiaries. The mergers and acquisitions of the local beer brands in niche markets such as the recent five brewers in Nigeria have provided a gain in the local market share. Using a multi-domestic strategy, a major source of revenue results from their subsidiaries and they have had an increase in sales since 2006. The raw materials needed to produce the beer are mainly supplied by farmers. Therefore, the bargaining power of these suppliers is high and can affect Heineken’s costs. The consumers in the beer industry ha...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nutrition topic

This is one of the vitamins that form food supplement for man: others are Vitamin B1 [thiamin], Vitamin B2 [riboflavin], vitamin B3 [niacin], vitaminB5 [pantothenic acid], folic acid and vitamin B6 [pyridoxine]. These are important supplements that are required for the maintenance of metabolism in the organisms; they act as coenzymes and cofactors in various anabolic and catabolic reactions essential for the survival of cells, and the organism [1.4]. Of peculiar interest for this article is Vitamin B12. The reason for choice of this, among other things is because of the devastating medical cases including neural tube defects, irreversible Vitamin B12 neuropathy that may arise as a result of deficiency. It would be considered under the following headings: source, metabolism [structure, absorption, transport, biochemical function] and deficiency. SOURCE The vitamin is only available in animal sources. It is synthesized by microbes; animals acquire it by eating other animal foods, by internal production from intestinal bacterial flora. Its sources include food of animal origin, such as meat, fish, dairy products, liver. It does not occur in plant sources: cereals, fruits or vegetables [1]. METABOLISM STRUCTURE [1]: There are a variety of forms in which Vitamin B12 exists: as methylcobalamin in human plasma, as deoxyadenosylcobalamin in human tissue, as hydroxocobalamin for treatment, and cyanocobalamin in study of Vitamin B12 activity. All have the same basic structure: cobalt is at the centre of a corrin ring which is attached to a nucleotide. ABSORPTION: A normal diet contains a large excess of vitamin B12 compared with daily needs. B12 is combined with the parietal cell-produced glycoprotein, intrinsic factor. The IF-B12 complex binds to a specific receptor in the distal ileum called Cubilin. Vitamin B12 is absorbed here at the distal ileum. TRANSPORT: Vitamin B12 is absorbed into portal blood through the circulation from the intestine to the liver via the portal vein. Here it becomes attached to the plasma-binding protein transcobalamin II [TCII] which delivers B12 to the bone marrow and other tissues, where it is utilized for biosynthetic functions [4]. BIOCHEMICAL FUNCTION: Vitamin B12 is a coenzyme for two biochemical reactions in the body. First, it acts in the form of methylcobalamin as a cofactor for methionone synthase, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of homocysteine to methionine; methyl tetrahydrofolate is used as methyl donor during the reaction. Second, it acts as deoxyadenosylB12 where it acts as cofactor for the conversion of methylmalonyl conenzyme A to succinyl coA [4]. DEFICIENCY CAUSES: In this part of the world, perincious anemia is the commonest cause of Vitamin B12 deficiency [3]. In this condition, autoimmune reactions on the gastric mucosa cause production of antibodies against parietal cell products, intrinsic factor and its receptors; females are more affected and it is usually associated with other autoimmune conditions such as vitiligo, Hashimoto thyroiditis, thyrotoxicosis, etc. Other causes include malabsorption secondary to gastrectomy, congenital abnormailtiy of the IF, chronic tropical sprue, Crohn’s disease, intestinal stagnant loop syndrome such as stricture [4]. EFFECTS: Vitamin B12 deficiency causes megaloblastic anaemia [2]; it features include signs and symptoms of anaemis such as anorexia, easy fatiguability, pallor of skin and mucous membrane and malaise. Others are glossitis, angular stomatitis, purpura and lemon-tint jaundice. Severe Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause a progressive neuropathy affecting the peripheral sensory nerves and dorsolateral columns of the spinal cord [4]. The neuropathy is usually symmetrical and affects the lower limbs than the upper limbs. These changes are irreversible. The cause of this is usually accumulation of s-adenosyl homocysteine in nervous tissue. In a pregnant woman, the fetus is predisposed to neural tube defects [4]. LABORATORY FINDINDS: Blood file shows macrocytosis; the mean corpuscularf volume > 95fL. The macrocytes are oval. There are hypersegmented neutrophils, leucopenia and thrombocytopenia [1]. TREATMENT: Diagnosis is confirmed by absorption tests including schilling test. treatment is by taking Vitamin B12 preparations [1]. REFERENCES Vitamin B12.   Chanarin I. [1970] The Megaloblastic anaemias. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. Toh B-H, Van Driel I.R and Gleeson P.A. [1997] Pernicious Anaemia. N. Engl. J. Med. 337: 1441-8. Mehta A.B.   and Hoffbrand A.V. Haematology at a Glance. 2000.   

Monday, September 16, 2019

Odysseus Is a Strong Leader

Odysseus is a strong leader. Odysseus is a strong leader shown by many characteristics. To prove he is a strong leader I will be using determined, intelligent and loyal characteristics. In the myth Scylla and Charybdis it proves Odysseus is determined. It shows he is determined because all though it was difficult to get through he still had faith that they could make it passed Scylla and Charybdis and get home. â€Å"Odysseus knew that they would all be dragged down if they got too close to Charybdis.So he sipped around her, always keeping her in view† gives evidence how determined he was to get passed them while knowing he could be risking not only his life but his men life. Determination makes him a strong leader because if he would’ve given up he would be a weak leader, and to be a strong leader you have to have faith and keep trying. The Sirens shows how Odysseus is an intelligent. This myth proves he is intelligent because he thinks of a plan for himself and his me n to get passed The Sirens without dying. Odysseus told his men about them and that the only way to pass them safely was for each man to stop his ears with wax† shows the plan Odysseus thought about before passing through. Intelligent makes him a strong leader because if he didn’t have plans he wouldn’t be able to come up with the plan to survive or to get home. In the myth Aiolos and the Bag of Wind proves how Odysseus is loyal to his men. It shows how though his men didn’t trust him he still stood with them and wanted to get home.The myth says â€Å"Aiolos helps by putting all the stormy winds into a bag so they will not harm Odysseus and his men or blow them off course. During the voyage, suspicious and curious sailors open the bag thinking it is treasure† clarifies the men did not trust Odysseus. Loyalty makes him a strong leader because people follow him and leaders don’t give up on their men when they know they don’t trust him. T hese three myths prove how Odysseus is a Strong leader throughout his adventures with his men. .

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mearl Oil Company Case

Mearl oil company case review The case is about a manager environmental support system of Mearl Oil Company named Leslie Milne which noticed that there are serious potential environmental and health hazard problems in areas which industrial facilities were discharging wastewater into open ditches. According to this discovery, company made a memorandum of wastewater discharge, environment and health standard to all Mearl subsidiaries which were then called by Environmental Impact Targets (EITs).The EITs provide very detailed and specific manufacturing standards down to the process and controls that facility had to apply to its operation related to health and environment. Then the protest came from MearlCan, Mearl Canada subsidiaries. Maya Stevenson, Mearl Canada senior environmental manager said that EITs just added a level unnecessary bureaucracy with little positive improvement to MearlCan performance. She stated that in developing country like Canada, the local regulation is alread y high so then EITs would be redundant and often be ignored in reality.The objection of EITs implementation by MearlCan is also because the swelling of expenses which will reached $ 2 million will occur as a result of Secondary treatment plant for sanitary waste system that required by EITs. Based on the above reasons, Maya Stevenson was going to request deviation from the EITs requirements that could be covered under MearlCan Memoranda and also consideration of possibility EITs equalization with MearlCan Memoranda which is regulation that already applied in Canada.In this case, there are conflict between Milne and Stevenson. Milne embraced absolutism understanding in EITs implementation which that policy needs to be implemented without exception in all Mearl subsidiaries. While Stevenson embrace relativism and teleological understanding that related to local custom, belief, necessities and consideration to the outcome and result of EITs implementation impacts in MearlCan. And also and ethical problem in this case is â€Å"Would it be ethical, when ompany good willingness of environmental enforcement by policies initiation compromised by the interest of financial issues and local situations? † The intention of EITs requirements compromise came from MearlCan. MearlCan see that EITs implementation will costly, and unnecessary due to existed standard which already high. In my point of view, we can take utilitarian action to address different perception among Milne and Stevenson.Both perceptions have logical different perspective that needs to be accommodated. The compromise of EITs implementation to be applicable and suitable by local situation is still acceptable, as long as not reducing standard level and deviate the initial goal of EITs as the realization of Mearl’s company environmental awareness. The principle of environmental enforcement should be placed at the top and should not be compromised by other thing such as money. Mearl Oil Company Case Mearl oil company case review The case is about a manager environmental support system of Mearl Oil Company named Leslie Milne which noticed that there are serious potential environmental and health hazard problems in areas which industrial facilities were discharging wastewater into open ditches. According to this discovery, company made a memorandum of wastewater discharge, environment and health standard to all Mearl subsidiaries which were then called by Environmental Impact Targets (EITs).The EITs provide very detailed and specific manufacturing standards down to the process and controls that facility had to apply to its operation related to health and environment. Then the protest came from MearlCan, Mearl Canada subsidiaries. Maya Stevenson, Mearl Canada senior environmental manager said that EITs just added a level unnecessary bureaucracy with little positive improvement to MearlCan performance. She stated that in developing country like Canada, the local regulation is alread y high so then EITs would be redundant and often be ignored in reality.The objection of EITs implementation by MearlCan is also because the swelling of expenses which will reached $ 2 million will occur as a result of Secondary treatment plant for sanitary waste system that required by EITs. Based on the above reasons, Maya Stevenson was going to request deviation from the EITs requirements that could be covered under MearlCan Memoranda and also consideration of possibility EITs equalization with MearlCan Memoranda which is regulation that already applied in Canada.In this case, there are conflict between Milne and Stevenson. Milne embraced absolutism understanding in EITs implementation which that policy needs to be implemented without exception in all Mearl subsidiaries. While Stevenson embrace relativism and teleological understanding that related to local custom, belief, necessities and consideration to the outcome and result of EITs implementation impacts in MearlCan. And also and ethical problem in this case is â€Å"Would it be ethical, when ompany good willingness of environmental enforcement by policies initiation compromised by the interest of financial issues and local situations? † The intention of EITs requirements compromise came from MearlCan. MearlCan see that EITs implementation will costly, and unnecessary due to existed standard which already high. In my point of view, we can take utilitarian action to address different perception among Milne and Stevenson.Both perceptions have logical different perspective that needs to be accommodated. The compromise of EITs implementation to be applicable and suitable by local situation is still acceptable, as long as not reducing standard level and deviate the initial goal of EITs as the realization of Mearl’s company environmental awareness. The principle of environmental enforcement should be placed at the top and should not be compromised by other thing such as money.